Let us have a look at the UPSC Medical Science questions from Physiology for past few years. The initial question which belonged to Physiology was about Pyramidal tracts. The different neural tracts were always a favorite for UPSC question setters. But there were no questions relating to the tracts, last two years.
It is usual to find one or two questions on the hormones or their mechanism of action. In 2018, the topic asked was about the hormonal regulation of calcium. Also, it was asked, about the various growth promoting hormones and the contribution they have on growth. In 2016, the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland, was the question from this section of the syllabus.
Physiology of heamatopoesis is another often asked about topic. In 2018, the monophylactic theory of hematopoesis came up as a question. In 2017, the question asked was, about the changes occurring during erythropoesis. In 2016, a question came up, which was about thrombolysis. More emphasis is being given to these parts of the syllabus in Physiology. It would be very beneficial for the student to devote some time to completely understand the topics like, blood cell formation, erythropoesis, megakaryocytosis, and thrombolysis.
Two questions which were in the 2016 and 2017 mains paper were about, cardiac reserve and the comparison in blood flow through the right and the left Coronary arteries. The baroreceptor reflex mechanism in the regulation of the BP also came as a question.
From the CNS, it appears that the cerebellum is still the most favorite topic to expect a question from. If we take a look at some of the previous questions, this will become very clear. In 2017, the question asked was about the functions of spinocerebellum. In 2016, the role of cerebellum in the regulation of posture and movement came as a question. Other than cerebellum the important topics from CNS, which has come up recently are, basal ganglia, the neurophysiology of sleep and the Sucking reflex.
Skeletal muscle and the neurochemical basis of its regulation is also another frequently asked topic.
Friends, if you can significantly cover the above mentioned topics at the first go, then you have a very good chance of being prepared for most of the questions asked from Physiology in the Mains.