We are taking a look at the trends in UPSC Biochemistry questions which had appeared in the recent UPSC Mains Medical Science optional question papers. This will give you an idea about how to efficiently utilize your time while preparing.
Let’s start with 2016, role of vitamin C in scurvy and cholesterol metabolism came up as a question. As the role of vitamins and minerals is an important topic, usually UPSC keeps asking something or the other from these areas, most years. In 2016, there was a second question from the same topic that was about the role of sulpher containing vitamins. In 2017, the question from this area was about Vitamin D and its hormonal role. This was a very expected question too, given that this question is a very common one which most doctors are very familiar with due to its importance(They ask this all the time, be it USMLE, Final year exam, 1st year exam and many universities used to ask this in the 3rd year pharmacology paper too) . So on a lighter note, just learn it.
In 2018, the question was about folate trap and the methods by which, Vitamin B 12 deficiency could be assessed. So the pattern is very obvious, be thorough about Vitamins and minerals, you may get lucky and reap almost 25 marks out of the 250 from this single topic alone. Also, iron metabolism and absorption was asked in 2017 and 2018, hence very important. But, may not come up in 2019.
Now regarding other topics which are usually asked from Biochem, in 2016, UPSC asked about thyroid function tests. In 2017, it was hepatic function tests and in 2018, they didn’t ask anything from the tests. So may be, renal function tests, could come up in 2019 Mains. In short, no scope to leave anything out here.
Now, about the remaining questions which were asked during these years, RFLP was asked in 2016. In 2017, PCR came up. And in 2018, UPSC asked about PCR again, it didn’t stop there too, went on to ask about RIA, Radio Immuno Assay and then didn’t stop there too, went on to ask about the energetics of peptide bond(basically the number of ATP spend on it, so don’t get scared) and other details of t-RNA and protein synthesis.
In short, biochemistry is on the rise, expected too as biogenetics is coming up with a new discovery every few weeks. Even the Hindu has started talking about P 53 and t- RNAs as if they are usual household terms. So, don’t leave out any topics in Biochemistry. You, could start with Protein synthesis , because otherwise you will keep it for the last and will not learn it properly. And you could expect a question from the topic in 2019.
Have a look at the table for more info.