There are certain characteristics for a good answer. A good answer should be

To make it precise, one should always stay within the ambit of the question. To keep it contained, one should not sway away from the core of the question. Keeping it contained is absolutely necessary for adhering to the time allotted.
Always mark your anatomical structures using standard colors (arteries in red, veins in blue, nerves in yellow and the like. Use simple drawings and not try to do complex figures. This will save time and will fetch marks.
Use simple and clear wording. Try to split sentences so that, the meaning is clear.
Give applied anatomy/Clinical Significance whenever possible. While you read keep your mind open for any new clinical significance about any organ. Some of the most common ones are always forgotten by even the studious among us.
For example, the Tongue is a favorite topic for UPSC. But how many of us will remember to write the importance in preventing its fall into pharynx, blocking the airway, while doing CPR.
Try to formulate your answer in such a way that, it stands out compared to other’s answer. This could be achieved by underlining the relevant portion and giving necessary subheadings while writing.
The way you present your answers is an important factor when it comes to the marks you may gain for that particular question.
Lastly, Discipline, in keeping your time while writing answers will be a fundamental determinant for your success in CSE Medical Science optional answer writing. Never, ever try to embellish one answer if you are feeling that you may end up short for time. Always try to attempt the whole paper satisfactorily. Plan from the beginning itself for this. Even if, you may be having more content with you for an answer you know well, avoid indulging too much into answering any one question.