
Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2022 – Feb 11

1. Reshmi  is six months old. She weighs 6 kg. Her mother has brought her into the health post because the child has a fever. Reshmi is able to drink, has not vomited, has not had convulsions and is not lethargic or unconscious.  The health worker  counts 54 breaths per minute. Reshmi had diarrhoea for three days, there is no blood in her stool. She drinks eagerly and the skin pinch goes back slowly. Reshmi’s family live where there is a high malaria risk. She has had a fever for five days.

What should be the ideal way to proceed further with this child as per IMNCI guidelines?

Note:- Please mention the date and question in your answer paper. You may upload scanned copies of the same via upload answers link using your user id.

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