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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – Oct 11

Topic: Oral Cancer, cancer cervix

Question: List out the risk factors for oral cancer. Describe its morphology.

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

the risk factors for oral cancer in detail:

– Tobacco use – Smoking cigarettes, bidis, pipes, and smokeless tobacco like gutkha increase risk significantly. Tobacco contains carcinogens that cause mutations.

– Alcohol use – Heavy alcohol consumption is associated with increased risk, especially in combination with tobacco use. Acetaldehyde from alcohol metabolism is carcinogenic.

– Betel nut chewing – Betel quid with tobacco is a strong risk factor, especially in South Asian populations. The areca nut contains carcinogens.

– HPV infection – High risk strains of human papillomavirus can cause cellular changes and increase oral cancer risk. Especially HPV 16 and 18.

– Age – Risk increases with age, likely due to accumulation of mutations over time. Most cases occur after age 50.

– Gender – Oral cancer is twice as common in men compared to women, due to higher rates of tobacco/alcohol use.

– Sun exposure – Prolonged UV exposure can increase risk, especially for cancers of the lip.

– Immunosuppression – Patients with HIV/AIDS or who take immunosuppressants have higher risk.

– Poor oral hygiene – Lack of proper tooth brushing and dental care may increase risk.


– Most oral cancers are squamous cell carcinomas starting from the oral mucosal lining.

– Typically form exophytic, fungating, ulcerating masses that are friable and bleed easily.

– Can also appear as indurated ulcers, red or white patches (erythroplakia, leukoplakia).

– With growth, can infiltrate deeply into underlying bone and soft tissues.

– Metastasizes to lymph nodes of neck as well as lungs, liver, and bones. 

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