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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – June 9

Topic: Vitamins and minerals

Question: Describe the role of vitamins in prevention of anemia.

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Vitamins play an important role in the prevention and treatment of anemia. The key vitamins involved include:

1. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): Essential for red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. Deficiency leads to pernicious anemia, in which RBCs are large and few in number. Supplementation of B12 is required to treat the anemia and prevent neurological damage. Dietary sources include meat, poultry, fish and dairy.

2. Folate: Also essential for RBC production and DNA synthesis. Deficiency leads to macrocytic anemia. Folic acid supplements or increased dietary folate can treat and prevent folate-deficiency anemia. Good sources include leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, beans and legumes.

3. Vitamin C: Enhances the absorption of iron from the diet. Deficiency can lead to sideroblastic anemia due to impaired iron transport and utilization. Supplements or vitamin C-rich foods (citrus fruits, broccoli, kale, etc.) should be consumed with iron-rich meals or iron supplements to optimize absorption and utilization.

4. Vitamin A: Essential for production and differentiation of RBC progenitors from the bone marrow. Deficiency may lead to normocytic anemia. Both supplements and dietary sources (liver, fish oils, leafy greens) help prevent vitamin A deficiency and resulting anemia.

5. Vitamin E: Acts as an antioxidant to protect RBC membranes from damage. May have a role in facilitating iron absorption and transport. Deficiency is rare but can theoretically contribute to hemolytic anemia. Found in plant oils, leafy greens, broccoli and spinach.

6. Vitamin D: Important for bone health and may help stimulate production of RBC progenitors in the bone marrow. Deficiency can theoretically lead to anemia of chronic disease and may exacerbate other causes of anemia. Sun exposure, fatty fish, egg yolks and fortified foods help prevent deficiency.

In summary, vitamins B12, folate, C, A, E and D all play a role in the prevention and treatment of anemia through their actions on red blood cell production, iron absorption and utilization, and bone marrow function. A balanced diet containing these vitamins or targeted supplements for diagnosed deficiencies help optimize hematopoiesis and avoid anemia. 

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