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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – july 5

Topic: Vitamins and minerals

Question: Write a short note on Sources, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of thiamine 

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Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is an essential vitamin required in small amounts for many biochemical functions in the body.


Thiamine is found in high amounts in:

– Whole grains like brown rice, oats and wheat
– Pork
– Legumes like beans, lentils and peas
– Nuts like almonds and peanuts 
– Yeast extracts like brewer’s yeast

Biochemical functions:

Thiamine acts as a coenzyme for several enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism:

Transketolase: Involved in pentose phosphate pathway 
– Pyruvate dehydrogenase: Converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA for the citric acid cycle
– Alpha-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase: Another key enzyme in the citric acid cycle

Due to these roles, thiamine is important for cellular energy metabolism.

Deficiency manifestations:

Thiamine deficiency can cause: 

– Beriberi: A disease characterized by neuropathies, cardiovascular abnormalities, edema and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (memory loss, ataxia and ocular abnormalities)

– Lactic acidosis: Due to dysfunction of pyruvate dehydrogenase
– Impaired glucose utilization: Affecting carbohydrate metabolism
– Failure to utilize fats as an energy source  
– Weight loss and anorexia

Thiamine deficiency commonly occurs in:

– Alcoholics due to poor intake and impaired absorption
– People on prolonged intravenous feeding without thiamine supplementation  
– Malnourished individuals

So in summary, thiamine functions as a coenzyme for many enzymes involved in glucose and energy metabolism. Deficiency can lead to impaired metabolism and diseases like beriberi. 

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