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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – july 25

Topic: Antibiotics, antifungals

Question: Write briefly on any 3 azole antifungals and their side effects.

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Here are three major azole antifungal medications and their potential side effects:

– Azole antifungal used for infections like candidiasis and cryptococcosis.
– Works by inhibiting synthesis of ergosterol in fungal cell membrane.
– Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, rash.
– Can rarely cause liver toxicity.
– Contraindicated in pregnancy due to risk of birth defects.

– Azole antifungal used for blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, ringworm.
– More broad spectrum than fluconazole.
– Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypokalemia.
– Can cause heart failure due to negative inotropic effects. 
– Interacts with many other medications by inhibiting cytochrome P450.

– Azole antifungal for invasive aspergillosis and serious fungal infections.
– Side effects include visual disturbances, hepatotoxicity, rash, fever.
– Has many drug-drug interactions due to CYP450 inhibition.
– Can cause QT prolongation and arrhythmias in some patients.
– Photosensitivity reactions possible with sun exposure.

In summary, azole antifungals share side effects of GI upset, liver toxicity, skin rash. They also interact with many other drugs via the CYP450 system and some can cause cardiac toxicity. Careful monitoring is required when using these agents. 

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