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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – july 12

Topic: Forensic examination of injuries and wounds

Question: Write briefly about Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault. Describe the nature of evidence/injuries.

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

Drug facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) refers to the use of drugs and/or alcohol by a perpetrator to incapacitate a victim for the purpose of sexual assault or rape.

Nature of evidence/injuries:

– The victim may exhibit symptoms of disorientation, confusion, drowsiness, impaired motor skills, memory loss indicating intoxication with sedative-hypnotic drugs.

– Common drugs used include flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), GHB, ketamine, alcohol. These drugs are odorless, colorless and induce amnesia.

– Urine or blood sample collected soon after the assault may show presence of the intoxicating drugs to help establish DFSA.

– However, many drugs are quickly cleared from the body making confirmation difficult. Hair sample testing can detect drugs for a longer period.

– Physical injuries like genital/anal trauma, bruises may be present but not seen in all cases due to incapacitation.

– Psychological trauma, anxiety, suicidal thoughts are common aftermaths.

– Circumstantial evidence like state of victim’s clothes, crime scene can provide clues about non-consensual assault.

– Witness accounts of victim’s behavior, perpetrator actions help corroborate DFSA.

In summary, evidence of DFSA includes symptoms of intoxication, forensic confirmation of sedative-hypnotic drugs, circumstantial evidence of non-consensual assault, and psychological trauma in victim. Physical injuries may or may not be present. (

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