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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – Aug 11

Topic: Endocrine system: Mechanism of action of hormones

Question: A 40-  year  old  female  patient  reported that she  was feeling very  weak.  Her  arms  and
legs  were  thin  but      abdomen,  upper  back  and  face  were  full  with  deposition  of  fat. She  had  also  noticed  that  minor  injuries  were  resulting  in  bruises  and  taking  a  long time  to  heal.  Reddish  purple  striations  were  seen  in  the  skin  of  her  abdomen.  Her blood pressure was180/100 mmHg, pulse rate was 99/min.
a)  Identify the condition.
b)  Discuss the physiological basis for the above condition
c)  Discuss the physiological and pharmacological actions of glucocorticoids

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

a) The condition described is Cushing’s syndrome due to the symptoms of central obesity, thin limbs, easy bruising, striae, hypertension and proximal muscle weakness.

b) Physiological basis:

– Cushing’s syndrome is caused by chronic excess of glucocorticoids like cortisol.

– Increased glucocorticoids cause deposition of fat in characteristic distribution like face, neck, upper back and abdomen resulting in central obesity and thin limbs.

– Glucocorticoids cause protein catabolism leading to proximal myopathy and muscle wasting in limbs.

– They impair collagen synthesis causing easy bruising and poor wound healing.

– They also have mineralocorticoid effects leading to hypertension and hypokalemia.

c) Physiological actions of glucocorticoids:

– Increasing blood glucose by promoting gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthesis and insulin resistance.

– Anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting leukocyte activation and cytokine production.

– Immunosuppressive actions by reducing antibody and lymphocyte production.

– Catabolic effects on protein, causing muscle wasting.

– Retention of sodium and water causing edema and hypertension.

Pharmacological uses:

– Anti-inflammatory drugs like prednisolone to treat inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.

– Immunosuppressants like dexamethasone used in organ transplants.

– Replacement therapy in adrenal insufficiency like Addison’s disease.

– Treatment for certain cancers like lymphoma, leukemia.

– Temporarily helping COPD, asthma exacerbations.

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