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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – Sep 6

Topic: Inflammation and repair, disturbances of growth and cancer

Question: Write a short note on mechanism of cancer metastasis.

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

1. Local invasion:
– Cancer cells locally invade by breaching the basement membrane and entering surrounding tissues.
– They secrete proteolytic enzymes like matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to degrade extracellular matrix proteins.
– MMPs also allow remodeling of matrix to aid motility and invasion.

2. Intravasation:
– Cancer cells enter nearby blood vessels or lymphatics by passing through the endothelium lining.
– Migration can be passive along chemoattractant gradients.
– Active migration involves integrins and adhesion molecules.

3. Survival in circulation:
– While in circulation, cancer cells encounter shear stresses.
– They can avoid anoikis by suppressing apoptotic signaling.
– Cancer cells form aggregates with platelets or leukocytes to avoid immune surveillance.

4. Extravasation:
– Adhesion molecules like selectins and integrins allow cancer cells to adhere at distant capillary beds.
– They respond to chemokines inducing extravasation through the endothelium.
– Vascular permeability factors also enhance transmigration.

5. Proliferation at secondary sites:
– After extravasation, cancer cells proliferate in the new tissue microenvironment.
– Growth is promoted by cytokines and growth factors.
– Neovascularization (angiogenesis) is induced to enable nutrients and oxygen supply.

6. Macrometastasis formation:
– Continued proliferation allows micrometastases to expand into clinically detectable macrometastases.
– Metastatic colonies survive through interactions with the local niche.
– Clonal expansion leads to recalcitrant disease.

7. Metastatic colonization:
– Molecular and genetic adaptations allow cells to colonize and thrive in distant tissues.
– Colonization potential depends on crosstalk between cancer cells and the microenvironment

Title: UPSC Medico Test Series: The Ultimate Guide to Cracking the UPSC CSE


The UPSC Civil Service Examination (CSE) is one of the most competitive exams in India. Every year, lakhs of candidates appear for the exam, but only a few thousand are selected. If you are a medical graduate and planning to take the UPSC CSE, then you need to take a UPSC medico test series.

A UPSC medico test series is a comprehensive preparation program that helps you to assess your strengths and weaknesses, identify your areas of improvement, and get familiar with the UPSC CSE exam pattern. It also provides you with an opportunity to practice answering questions under timed conditions.

Benefits of taking a UPSC medico test series:

There are many benefits of taking a UPSC medico test series. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Helps you to assess your strengths and weaknesses: A UPSC medico test series will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses in the various subjects that are covered in the UPSC CSE exam. This will help you to focus your preparation on the areas where you need the most improvement.
  • Helps you to identify your areas of improvement: A UPSC medico test series will also help you to identify the areas where you need to improve. This will help you to develop a more targeted preparation plan.
  • Gets you familiar with the UPSC CSE exam pattern: The UPSC CSE exam is a very different exam from the exams that you have taken in your college or university. A UPSC medico test series will help you to get familiar with the exam pattern, the type of questions that are asked, and the time constraints.
  • Provides you with an opportunity to practice answering questions under timed conditions: The UPSC CSE exam is a timed exam. A UPSC medico test series will provide you with an opportunity to practice answering questions under timed conditions. This will help you to improve your time management skills and to develop a sense of urgency.
  • Gives you a competitive edge: A UPSC medico test series will give you a competitive edge over other candidates. This is because you will be better prepared for the exam and you will have a better understanding of the exam pattern.

How to choose a UPSC medico test series:

There are many UPSC medico test series available in the market. When choosing a UPSC medico test series, you should consider the following factors:

  • The reputation of the institute: Choose a UPSC medico test series that is offered by a reputable institute. This will ensure that the quality of the content and the teaching methodology are good.
  • The syllabus coverage: Make sure that the UPSC medico test series covers the entire syllabus of the UPSC CSE exam.
  • The number of tests: Choose a UPSC medico test series that offers a good number of tests. This will give you enough practice to answer questions under timed conditions.
  • The feedback mechanism: Choose a UPSC medico test series that has a good feedback mechanism. This will help you to identify your areas of improvement and to track your progress.
  • The price: UPSC medico test series can be expensive. Choose a UPSC medico test series that is affordable for you.


A UPSC medico test series is an essential part of your preparation for the UPSC CSE exam. If you are serious about cracking the exam, then you should definitely take a UPSC medico test series.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a UPSC medico test series:

  • Read reviews of different test series before making a decision.
  • Ask your friends or colleagues who have taken the UPSC CSE exam for their recommendations.
  • Consider taking a free trial of the test series before you commit to buying it.

I hope this article has been helpful. Good luck with your preparation for the UPSC CSE exam!

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