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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – Aug 17

Topic: Humoral and cell mediated immunity

Question:Describe the mechanism of cell mediated immune response. Add a note on its applications, detection methods, and name the immunodeficiency diseases associated with defect in cell mediated immunity.

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What is Cell-Mediated Immunity?

– It refers to immune responses mediated by T lymphocytes (T cells) and does not involve antibodies.

– It is required to eliminate intracellular pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and protozoa from infected cells.

– It also eliminates cancer cells and transplanted tissues.

Mechanism of Cell-Mediated Immune Response:

1. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) like dendritic cells phagocytose the pathogen and digest it into small peptide fragments.

2. These antigenic peptides are presented on MHC class I or class II molecules on the surface of APCs.

3. CD4+ helper T cells recognize antigen-MHC class II complexes via their T cell receptor (TCR). This activates them.

4. Activated CD4+ cells release cytokines like IFN-gamma, IL-2, TNF-beta that further stimulate phagocytes and CD8+ T cells.

5. Cytokines help recruit and activate more macrophages which phagocytose and kill microbes.

6. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells recognize infected cells displaying antigen-MHC class I complexes via their TCRs.

7. Activated CD8+ T cells kill infected cells directly by releasing perforin, granzymes and granulysin.

8. Memory T cells are generated that persist after infection to provide long-term immunity.

Applications of Cell-Mediated Immunity Testing:

– Assessing immune system function in immunocompromised patients.

– Diagnosing defects in cell-mediated immunity.

– Monitoring HIV disease progression and treatment response.

– Testing for latent tuberculosis.

Detection Methods:

– Skin delayed-type hypersensitivity test.

– Quantification of T cell subsets like CD4+, CD8+ cells.

– In vitro lymphocyte proliferation assay.

Associated Immunodeficiencies:

– Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)

– DiGeorge syndrome

– Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

– Chronic granulomatous disease


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