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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – Aug 10

Topic: ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus

Question: Discuss the renal lesions in Diabetes Mellitus

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

Glomerular Lesions:

– Diffuse glomerulosclerosis – Diffuse increase in mesangial matrix and thickening of glomerular capillary walls due to accumulation of PAS-positive hyaline material. Leads to proteinuria.

– Nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions) – Spherical nodules of hyaline material cause diffuse or nodular glomerular basement membrane thickening. diagnostic of diabetes.

– Hyalinosis of afferent and efferent arterioles – Homogeneous, pink hyaline thickening of arteriolar wall. Causes ischemia.

Tubulointerstitial Lesions:

– Tubular basement membrane thickening – Due to accumulation of PAS-positive material in membrane.

– Tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis – Loss of tubular cells, thickening of tubular basement membrane and collagen deposition in interstitium.

– Armanni-Ebstein lesions – Tubular epithelial cells filled with detached Tamm-Horsfall protein casts.

– Interstitial inflammation – Mononuclear leukocytic infiltration between tubules.

Vascular Lesions:

– Arteriolar hyalinosis – Affects afferent arterioles initially, later efferent arterioles.

– Arteriosclerosis – Intimal proliferation, lipid deposition and hyalinization of larger renal arterioles.

– Atherosclerosis – Affects large renal arteries as in systemic atherosclerosis.

In summary, diabetes causes widespread damage to all compartments of the kidney leading to nephropathy

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