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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – Aug 7

Topic: Blood: Development, regulation and fate of blood cells. Cardio-vascular, cardiac output

Question: “Classify white blood cells and explain their morphology and functions. Add a note on leukaemia. “

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

White Blood Cells:

1. Neutrophils

– Morphology: 10-12μm size, multilobed nucleus, cytoplasmic granules

– Function: Phagocytose and destroy bacteria and foreign particles, release antimicrobials

2. Eosinophils

– Morphology: 10-12μm size, bilobed nucleus, cytoplasmic granules

– Function: Defend against parasites and allergens, modulate inflammation

3. Basophils 

– Morphology: 10-12μm size, bilobed nucleus, cytoplasmic granules

– Function: Release histamine and heparin, mediate inflammatory reactions

4. Lymphocytes

– Morphology: Small cells (7μm) with large nucleus, scarce cytoplasm

– Functions: Cell-mediated immunity (T cells), humoral immunity (B cells)

5. Monocytes

– Morphology: 12-20μm, kidney shaped nucleus, abundant cytoplasm

– Function: Phagocytosis, cytokine production, develop into macrophages


– Cancer of white blood cells where abnormal leukocytes proliferate rapidly.

– Can be acute or chronic leukemia depending on how quickly the disease develops.

– Caused by mutations in the DNA of immature blood cells in the bone marrow.

– Characterized by replacement of normal bone marrow with leukemic cells.

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