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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – july 20

Topic: Forensic examination of injuries and wounds

Question: Differentiate between flame burns and scalds.

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

The key differences between flame burns and scalds are:

Causative agent:
– Flame burns are caused by direct contact with flames, heated air, or surfaces above 100°C. This causes thermal injury.
– Scalds are caused by contact with hot liquids, steam, or surfaces under 100°C. The liquid causes a wet heat injury.

Depth of injury:
– Flame burns tend to cause deeper tissue injury as they are associated with higher temperatures. Can cause full thickness burns.
– Scalds often result in more superficial burns limited to upper layers of skin unless exposed for prolonged time.

– Flame burns have more well-defined edges related to the shape of flame. Often have central charring.
– Scalds have irregular, diffuse edges depending on the running/splashing liquid pattern. No central charring.

– Flame burns appear dried out with eschar (scab) formation. The skin is coagulated.
– Scalds appear moist or wet initially as the hot liquid causes blistering of skin layers.

– Flame burns take longer to heal, often require debridement and skin grafting.
– Superficial scalds may heal more readily depending on size and depth.

– Flame burns are extremely painful due to activation of nerve endings.
– Scalds may be initially painless (if nerves destroyed) then become painful during healing.

In summary, the distinctions relate to the cause, depth, appearance, and healing between these thermal injuries. Appropriate first aid and treatment depends on identifying the burn type and extent.

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