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Medical Science Optional daily answer writing practice for CSE 2023 – June 21

Topic: Physiology of blood and blood vessels

Question: Describe the various blood cells and their functions? Discuss in detail the manifestations due to deficiency of each type.

Click here for Reference Material-This material is informational alone and is not specifically prepared as an answer for any question. Readers may do their own research before finalising diagnoses according to the characteristics unique to each question. Readers should not proceed without cross-referencing with relevant textbooks as well as standard guidelines available.

1. Red blood cells (Erythrocytes):
Function: Carry oxygen from lungs to tissues and organs. Contain hemoglobin which binds oxygen.
Deficiency (Anemia): Several types like iron deficiency (most common), pernicious anemia (B12), aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure). Can cause fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness due to reduced oxygen delivery. Treatment based on underlying cause.

2. White blood cells (Leukocytes): Made of several types:
Neutrophils: Most abundant WBC. Target bacteria and help fight infections. Deficiency leads to increased bacterial infections and difficulty controlling infections.

Lymphocytes: Includes B cells (produce antibodies), T cells (destroy infected/cancerous cells) and NK cells (natural killer cells, coordinate immunity). Deficiency leads to immune deficiency disorders with susceptibility to infections, viruses and diseases. 

Monocytes: Develop into macrophages/dendritic cells. Help engulf foreign particles and cellular debris. Deficiency leads to impaired wound healing and immunity. 

Eosinophils: Respond to allergens and parasites. Deficiency impairs response to allergens/parasites.

Basophils: Involved in allergic/inflammatory reactions. Deficiency reduces response to allergens.

– Deficiency (Leukopenia): Increased infections, mouth/gut ulcers, rashes due to impaired immunity. Treatment with antibiotics, immunoglobulins.

3. Platelets (Thrombocytes): Cell fragments help with blood clotting and preventing excess blood loss. 
Deficiency (Thrombocytopenia): Easy or excessive bruising/bleeding from gums or nose. Petechiae (tiny red/purple spots due to bleeding).  Treatment may include transfusion, steroids, immunosuppressants, plateletstimulating drugs based on underlying cause.

4. Macrophages and Dendritic cells: Engulf foreign particles and dead/damaged cells by phagocytosis. Promote wound healing and present antigens to stimulate immune response. Deficiency makes one prone to infections and impaired wound healing.

So in summary, the various blood cells work together to carry oxygen, fight infections, regulate immunity, prevent excess blood loss – all of which are necessary for health and proper functioning of the body. Deficiencies of these cells leads to a range of issues due to impairment of these essential roles

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